Belgrade Metropolitan University organized the First International Conference on Innovation, Competitiveness and Sustainable Development (ICSD 2016), held on 25th May, 2016 at Belgrade Metropolitan University.
Leading domestic and international researchers, as well as representatives of business shared their knowledge and experiences about the impacts of the process of innovation, competitiveness and sustainable development. They discussed about regional issues affecting the area of Southeast Europe and that are relevant to the current global level, as well as determinants of competitiveness and economic development of macro level and micro-economic level, where productivity creates value and wealth.
ICSD 2016 Conference was an opportunity for academic experts, business and state institutions representatives to exchange views, in order to reach efficient and workable solutions.
Dean of Faculty of Management and Chair of ICSD 2016 Programme Committee, Dr. Ana Bovan, with her international business and academic experience, had a role of moderator for the first part of the Conference, which was a Business Forum on innovation, competitiveness and sustainable development. Rector of Belgrade Metropolitan University, Dr. Dragan Domazet started discussion to the topic of innovation. Professor Lazar Imre, with diametrically opposed and specific views on sustainability regarding to other forum participants, discussed about sustainable development.The discussion on competitiveness was initiated Dr. Darko Babic CEO of DHL in Serbia. At the end of extremely dynamic and comprehensive discussion, Professor of Faculty of Economics in Belgrade, Milorad Filipović gave conclusions.
Some of local and international experts shared their experiences: Professor Jacques Couvas from Bilkent University in Turkey, Econimic Atache of the Romanian Embassy in Serbia, Dr. Stefan Imre, CEO of DHL in Serbia, Darko Babic, Professor Dr. Imre Lazar from Hungary, a representative of the Ministry of Economy and the Chamber of Commerce, Mr. Miroslav Miletic, as well as MSc Ivana Radojevic, Chair of the organizing committee ICSD 2016.
The aim of the First International Conference ICSD 2016 was to raise the awareness of the importance of innovation, competitiveness and sustainable development with regard to regional companies, as well as increasing national and regional productivity and growth.
ICSD 2016 – Conference proceedings